Godfather a beehive and help a rural woman

Leave your impact and make a difference.

Rural women play a key role in ensuring food and nutrition security, eradicating rural poverty, and improving the well-being of their families. But they continue to face serious gender challenges and discrimination that deny them equal access to opportunities, active resources, and services.

On the other hand, bees are essential to the health of our planet. 80% of plants depend on pollinators to survive so, if they disappear the world would not be as we know it. In addition, a third of the food we eat also depends on bees. But bees are disappearing due to several factors such as climate change, disease, loss of diversity and pesticides.

You can make a difference godfathering a beehive. How does it work? Contact us between July and November. You buy a hive for a rural woman, she works it all season and at harvest we give you 24 jars of half a kilogram of Reinas de Corazones honey.

Godfather a beehive testimonials

“In 2020 we sponsor a hive of Reinas de Corazones. Throughout the year we receive 24 jars of pure and delicious honey! It filled us with joy to be able to put a grain of sand in this wonderful project that provides a decent job to many Argentine women who become owners of their lives!”

María Inés Amadeo

“When I received a proposal from Reinas de Corazones to sponsor a hive, I did not hesitate. Reinas de Corazones works with the power of the network, a network of women, a hug between us. And being part of that network, being able to give each other the ability to work, to be independent, to be able to build something of our own, is something that I am proud to be a part of. I won with this delicious honey that came from the hive. It partners every breakfasts of mine.”

Florencia Bidabehere

“Godfathering a hive of Reinas de Corazones was a beautiful experience. In addition to feeling that we collaborate in the dream of a rural woman, we witnessed all year in how the hive grew throughout the seasons. Furthermore, we received a box full of this wonderful honey to eat, cook and share with friends.”

Violeta Noetinger

Pehuajó, Buenos Aires, Argentina

[email protected]

Phone/Wapp: +54 9 11 32473796

Monday – Friday: 8am – 8pm (Argentina)

© Reinas de Corazones. All rights reserved 2021